Construction Management at Risk
S&techs is brought on board in the early stages of the process and works side by side with the Client & Consultant team as an integral team member, S&techs provides Buildability advice, Budgeting and Value Engineering, Services, Programme/ Schedule Development and Open Book procurement during the pre-construction stage and on site supervision during the construction stage. S&techs Contracts with all sub-contractors and Vendors, providing the Client with single source accountability.
Discovery & Strategy
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commodo ligula eget dolor.
S&techs的内部设计部门由两个设备齐全的建筑和室内设计工作室组成,分别位于香港和新加坡(由我们的获奖设计公司子公司One Space提供),拥有25年创造转型商业环境的经验。与我们的建筑部门合作,我们提供統包解決方, 从概念设计,空间规划和工程设计和建造服务,以满足您的独特需求和采购要求。探索我们广泛的设计组合。
探索我们广泛的设计组合 >>
Main Contracting
S&techs provides traditional Lump Sum Contracting Services for Fit-Out, Refurbishment, A + A Works programmes.
Manage Projects
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commodo ligula eget dolor.
S&techs作为不可或缺的团队成员与客户和顾问团队并肩参与早期的流程工作。 S&techs提供可建性建议,预算和价值工程,服务,施工前阶段的计划/时间表制定和招标采购,以及施工阶段的现场监督。 S&techs与所有分包商和供应商签订合同,为客户提供单一窗口问责。
Design & Build
S&techs in-house design team provides the design and engineering while the construction division provides the construction services providing the Client with a " one stop shop " for Design & Build services. If the Client has engaged a designer. S&techs is happy to provide design development services utilising the Clients designers concept.
Time Statistics
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Construction Management Consulting
In locations where S&techs does not have a physical presence and is not in a position to hire Sub-Contractors locally, S&techs is happy to provide pure Construction Management Consulting Services. S&techs has a series of Alliance Partners throughout the Region who can provide Construction services where S&techs does not have a presence.
Unlimited Sharing
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commodo ligula eget dolor.